25 days ago
The warbler certainly gave you a great pose. I too love the minimalist composition of this image. The lighting and colours are perfect.
25 days ago
Thank you Debra. At first I just notice someting on a dead branche of a very far tree. Even through the 800mm lens he was still quite little in the frame. I took a chance that the cropping will do good. (and it did).
a month ago
I really like the minimalist look of this image. You got a great angle on the warbler here and his colorful markings really stand out against the blue sky. You definitely had his attention in this one, Yves, and the detail is very well captured. What a gorgeous bird.
a month ago
Thank you for the nice comment Heather. I was quite lucky to take him in full light because they usualy ride in bushes. I think they stand more in full sun in the morning.
a month ago
Great shot, Yves. Very cool with the branch leading your eye to the bird. Even the catch light in the eye....well done!!